19 December 2009

"Remember The Carwash?" "Fend The Mences!"

Does one ever wonder, "Where do all the video vixens go?" My guess, probably not. At best, you might have some fleeting memory about "gleaming the cube" to some Paula Abdul video before you discovered sex was real and people videotape it for profit. Well, guess what? One of those vixen's is making her comeback and she's as sexy as ever! She goes by Themotherchick on youtube, seeing as how she was the girl getting chicken blood splayed across her in Danzig's original video for "Mother". Here's that video as a refresher:

Not bad for a late eighties/early nineties gal. Well, according to her, there's a scene from the video that didn't make it in of Danzig speaking over her head. Turns out, it was a curse and now she's got a little something to say to one Glenn Danzig. Do yourself the best favor and watch the whole thing. Seriously.

Oh, Glenn. How could you have ruined this poor woman's life with such curses as well as forgot "The Carwash"? For Shame, Danzig.

And to prove I still love you all, the best is yet to come. Feast upon the glory. Best parts include surprise tree involvment at the 1:00 mark and the revealing of secrets at around 1:37. Your welcome.

AND... since it's almost Christmas and I love you, how about one more that really sums up everything: