19 December 2009

"Remember The Carwash?" "Fend The Mences!"

Does one ever wonder, "Where do all the video vixens go?" My guess, probably not. At best, you might have some fleeting memory about "gleaming the cube" to some Paula Abdul video before you discovered sex was real and people videotape it for profit. Well, guess what? One of those vixen's is making her comeback and she's as sexy as ever! She goes by Themotherchick on youtube, seeing as how she was the girl getting chicken blood splayed across her in Danzig's original video for "Mother". Here's that video as a refresher:

Not bad for a late eighties/early nineties gal. Well, according to her, there's a scene from the video that didn't make it in of Danzig speaking over her head. Turns out, it was a curse and now she's got a little something to say to one Glenn Danzig. Do yourself the best favor and watch the whole thing. Seriously.

Oh, Glenn. How could you have ruined this poor woman's life with such curses as well as forgot "The Carwash"? For Shame, Danzig.

And to prove I still love you all, the best is yet to come. Feast upon the glory. Best parts include surprise tree involvment at the 1:00 mark and the revealing of secrets at around 1:37. Your welcome.

AND... since it's almost Christmas and I love you, how about one more that really sums up everything:

26 September 2009

21 September 2009

Now I Totally Know How to Meet a Guy!

Ladies, men really are mysterious figs, amirite? Well, in order to help out the finer sex with that age old conundrum, "How to meet dudes", I present exhibit A, courtesy of the fine folks at www.filmdrunk.com

Now, get out there and put it all to the test! I wanna hear some success stories!

17 September 2009

"Imma Let You Finish, But..."

If you know me, you know that I have disliked and sometimes outright hated Kanye West for forever. I refuse to talk about what he did at the VMA's,because it's ridiculous and it's the VMA's, so what does it really matter, eh? However, I am glad that everyone else has hopped on the hate train. Seeing as how there is truly a silver lining in everything, at least we got some great internet lulz out of the whole thing. here's some of my faves:

08 August 2009

John Hughes, R.I.P.

Two days ago, John Hughes passed from a sudden heart attack at the age of 59. This dude is single-handedly responsible for everything that was cool and funny in the 80's. More so than the beloved status that his high school epics receive, these movies put teens in the forefront, showing the world that young people have a voice and that that voice wants to be heard. Hughes was also responsible for some of the best work John Candy ever did. In honor of this brilliant man, here's an ode to his fine fine films. i couldn't think of a better song to go along with them than "Baba O'Riley" by The Who.

Here's to you, John. I hope you and Candy are partying it up somewhere.

A Day with Man's Best Fri...BREAKDANCE FIGHT!!!!!!!!

My number one question: I Wonder if it really is Fabian? (cue Mr. Show sketch. 3:13 mark to meet Fabian. Well, the only Fabian that matters anyways.)

06 August 2009

That's Racist! (and catchy as fuck, amirite?)

So, apparently Nas thinks, as many people do, that Hip Hop is dead, or at least on the verge. In fact, Nas and Nick "ugh, why do you exist?" Cannon got together to give us all a peek at the dark, hopeless road that Hip Hop is on as we speak. shall we?

That's right. You just saw that. It just happened. I think the worst thing about the whole thing is that it's seriously one of the catchiest songs EVER! What Nas almost missed was this, the actual future of Hip Hop following its steady decline.