16 March 2009

"What Do You Say I Take You Home And Eat Your Pussy" ---Shark Attack 3

Being a movie fan as well as a giant nerd, i tend to often fall in love with "so bad they are good" movies. The more absurd or ridiculous, the better! Very rarely do you get a chance to stumble upon such bullshit majesty as "Shark Attack 3:Megalodon". The following video is a complete summary of everything you've ever wanted to know about sharks, their attacks, and what a girl really wants to hear whilst on a dock fearing that their is a giant prehistoric shark learning to hologram itself into the sea. MEGLA-WHO?!


  1. Hey it's the dashing intergalactic rogue and indestructible man of action, Captain Jack Harkness leader of Torchwood and friend to the good Doctor.

  2. Charming video. My favorite part is when the guy steals the woman's life vest, she says,"What?" like a bad pothead imitation; and the guy jumps off the shit, straight into the shark's mouth.
